There are a lot of problems with the various reporting mechanisms related (in particular) to COVID. They lied about positive tests, cases, test efficacy, threats, cures, and safety (to name a few), but a new FUBAR has entered the equation.
From Steve Kirsh.
Which crypto-backed IRA is best?
– BlockTrust IRA is ideal for managed accounts.
– iTrustCapital is for buy and hold.
New Hampshire deserves the credit for vaccinating over 50% more elderly people in the state than there are elderly in the state (401,119 over 65 vaccinated vs. an elderly population of 267,521).
Data and numbers drove the fearmongering and hysteria. Sorry, a narrow reading of them did that. We shared their numbers and showed how the signal was clear – no need for fear. We got banned, throttled, name-called, you know the drill. You did, too. Four years later, someone uncovered another problem with the data (an issue we hope will continue to blossom as more truth finds its way out from behind the deep state curtain.
Here’s the full dataset. It’s massive, and I’m not the guy to dig in and confirm, so I’ll take Steve’s word for it. He is that guy and has the resources, but somewhere on our side of this is an explanation, and I’d love to hear it.
And while I’m on the subject of public health competence, has anyone asked Governor Ayotte if she’s considering replacing Dr. Chan? […]
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