If you search “women’s experiences at Planned Parenthood” on Google, you will find mostly positive news articles about Planned Parenthood (with the majority on Planned Parenthood’s website), and stories about “harrowing” pregnancy experiences states that protect preborn children from abortion. However, a look at the Google reviews of individual Planned Parenthood facilities provides an interesting perspective… and tells a far different story.
Though strictly anecdotal, these reviews highlight the allegations of former Planned Parenthood patients — that many women have suffered from medical negligence, coercion, and a lack of maternal health services at Planned Parenthood facilities across the country. The following reviews were seen and collected by Live Action in August and September 2024. More than half of the reviews in this report were posted in 2024, just months prior to publication.
Incomplete Abortions
Multiple women reported having experienced incomplete abortions provided by Planned Parenthood facilities. On Google Reviews, many said they suffered complications with retained products of conception, and had to be rushed to the hospital for surgery.
Google user Salina_Love wrote about her alleged experience of an incomplete abortion at Planned Parenthood North Stockton Health Center in Stockton, California. She mentions “abdominal pain” and having “to have surgery again.” […]
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