Was there every really any doubt how this was going to turn out? I don’t think so. Today the NY Times reports that the University of Washington has dismissed the plagiarism claim lodged against Robin DiAngelo.
In a letter in response to the complaint dated last Wednesday, a university representative said that the evidence presented failed to meet the institution’s criteria for plagiarism, which it defines as “the appropriation of another person’s ideas, processes, results or words without giving appropriate credit.”
As a result, the university determined that there was no basis for conducting an inquiry into DiAngelo’s thesis, according to the letter, which was provided to The Times by DiAngelo.
So they’re not even really going to investigate. They’ve just decided the complaint itself doesn’t deserve a response, despite it providing evidence that DiAngelo used other people’s exact words without quotation marks on several occasions. For example:
Indeed, Whiteness may be characterized by a contradictory consciousness in which an insistent innocence is contingent upon involvement in racial oppression (Schick, 1998).
Cynthia Levine-Rasky (2000) Framing Whiteness: Working through the tensions in introducing whiteness to educators, Race Ethnicity and Education, 3:3, 277
Indeed, whiteness may be as characterised by a contradictory consciousness in which a definitive innocence is contingent upon involvement in racial oppression (Schick, 1998). […]
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