Tim Walz calls anyone right of Stalin “weird.” He coined the term this election cycle as a rhetorical bludgeon to beat his political opponents with. This is, of course, calling the kettle black (Sorry, a “kettle of color”) considering he’s the weirdo. His wife is no different. They’re two peas in a pod, a match made in hell. The guy who can’t not tell a lie is married to a total fruitcake. And let’s not forget, he lied about the conception of his own children.
When radical Black Lives Matter militants rioted over George Floyd’s death, Walz waited days to call in the National Guard, allowing far-left extremists to burn down a police station in Minneapolis and inflict $500 million in property damage.
Tiananmen Tim’s wife, Gwen Walz, said hold my Bud Light.
As the state that her bug-eyed husband governs burned, Minnesota’s first lady loved huffing the fumes of burning tires set ablaze by acts of arson. The torching of other people’s property was cathartic revelry for her. There’s nothing quite like the smell of a BLM uprising to get Gwen going.
This clip of Minnesota First Lady Gwen Walz is making the rounds.
Her reflection on the 2020 riots:
“I could smell the burning tires…I kept the windows open as long as I could because I felt like that was such a touchstone of what was happening."
— Philip Melanchthon Wegmann (@PhilipWegmann) August 6, 2024
— Read More: townhall.com
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