Women – Uncanceled News https://uncanceled.news News that isn't afraid of being truthful. Fri, 08 Nov 2024 05:13:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://uncanceled.news/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/cropped-U-32x32.png Women – Uncanceled News https://uncanceled.news 32 32 189684256 Liberal Women All Over America Are Going on a Nationwide Sex Strike to Punish Men for Voting for Trump https://uncanceled.news/liberal-women-all-over-america-are-going-on-a-nationwide-sex-strike-to-punish-men-for-voting-for-trump/ https://uncanceled.news/liberal-women-all-over-america-are-going-on-a-nationwide-sex-strike-to-punish-men-for-voting-for-trump/#respond Fri, 08 Nov 2024 05:13:01 +0000 https://uncanceled.news/liberal-women-all-over-america-are-going-on-a-nationwide-sex-strike-to-punish-men-for-voting-for-trump/ (End of the American Dream)—Do they actually think that their plan will work?  During this election, women overwhelmingly supported Kamala Harris and men overwhelmingly supported Donald Trump.  So now some liberal women have decided that it is time for a nationwide sex strike in order to punish men for voting for Trump.  Yes, they are quite serious about this…

Liberal women have sworn to go on sex strike over Donald Trump’s election win.

Mr Trump swept to victory in Tuesday’s presidential race that Democrats cast as a referendum on abortion rights and protections for women.

So let me get this straight.  In order to “punish” us, these women are going to quit engaging in sexual immorality and start acting like chaste conservative Christian women?

And since they won’t be having sex, liberal women won’t be having as many abortions either. I think that we can all live with that.

The women that are going on strike are taking inspiration from the “4B movement” in South Korea

In short, the 4B movement is a vow to swear off men. It is called the 4B movement because in Korean, the four tenets each begin with bi, which means no, according to a paper published by two South Korean researchers at Yonsei University’s Institute of Humanities.

Apparently there are four primary pillars of the “4B movement”

  1. No marriage (Bihon): Advocates believe marriage often limits a woman’s independence, as it traditionally assigns her the role of caregiver and homemaker.
  2. No childbearing (Bichulsan): This principle opposes the societal expectation for women to bear and raise children, arguing that motherhood can trap women in lifelong caregiving roles.
  3. No dating (Biyonae): The 4B Movement views dating as reinforcing male-centered dating norms and pressures that can compromise a woman’s autonomy and emotional well-being.
  4. No close relationships with men (Biyeonae): The movement encourages women to form supportive, empowering friendships with other women rather than depend on male companionship.

Since the 4B movement began, the fertility rate in South Korea has fallen dramatically, and it is now the lowest in the entire industrialized world.

In fact, it is being projected that the population of South Korea could be cut in half by the end of this century if current trends continue. So this type of thinking has had a dramatic impact on that nation.

In addition to South Korea, major sex strikes have been instituted in many other countries around the world in recent years…

Sex strikes are a form of protest more widespread than the 4B movement, have taken place in countries around the world including ColombiaKenyaLiberiaItaly, the PhilippinesSouth Sudan and Togo.

They also have an ancient pedigree, Aristophanes’ comedy Lysistrata famously telling how Athenian women conspired to deny their men sex in order to end the Peloponnesian War.

Apparently many women consider the complete rejection of all men to be a radical form of “female empowerment”

While the 4B Movement may seem radical to some, it emphasizes a message of female empowerment through non-conformity and a rejection of prescribed gender roles. For many women in the U.S. and abroad, it represents a way to prioritize self-determination, foster communities with other women, and question societal norms around marriage and motherhood.

Can you imagine what would happen if all men and all women decided to embrace this type of ideology?

We would have no marriages, no families, no children and no future. It is literally a suicidal ideology.

But right now a lot of liberal women are absolutely determined to exercise their power any way that they can.  On TikTok, large numbers of young liberal women are posting videos in which they pledge to be celibate

In one video shared on TikTok, a young woman pledges to go celibate and encourages others to delete dating apps in order to “exercise sovereignty” over their bodies.

“As a woman, my bodily autonomy matters and this is my way to exercise sovereignty over that,” she says.

“So I highly encourage any other women who are single and still care about progressing women’s rights and still fighting for our bodily autonomy to do the same. Delete your dating apps.”

The woman also encourages others to seek out their female friends for comfort “if you need somebody to cuddle” and describes the 4B movement, which originated in South Korea, as a “point of inspiration”.

Apparently the issue of abortion is motivating a lot of these young women to embrace the 4B movement, and some of them are promising to abstain from sex until a new president is elected in 2028

“Men will always be against women,” read the caption in one TikTok video of a young woman crying in a car, encouraging women to join the 4B movement. “Women are just as capable to be presidents as a man.”

In another video, a woman says that “for the next four years I am going to abstain from sex with men”.

A separate video was captioned: “I think it’s time for American women to participate in our own 4B movement.”

Many of the videos addressed concerns over abortion, which was on the ballot in 10 states and was central to the Harris campaign.

So what happens if a Republican is elected in 2028?

Will these young women remain celibate until 2032? Personally, I seriously doubt that any of these women were dating Trump voters.

So it won’t be conservative men that they are hurting. Instead, it will be liberal men that will be losing out on sex, and most of them probably voted for Harris anyway.

But that isn’t stopping these young women from pretending that their newfound celibacy will severely punish their political opponents

“As a woman, my bodily autonomy matters and this is my way to exercise sovereignty over that,” one woman said in a video posted on TikTok. “So I highly encourage any other women who are single and still care about progressing women’s rights and still fighting for our bodily autonomy to do the same. Delete your dating apps.”

“All I have to say is good luck getting laid,” said another TikTok user through mocking laughter. “Especially in Florida, because me and my girlies are participating in the 4B movement.”

They don’t seem to understand that many of us that are conservative are absolutely thrilled that large numbers of single liberal women have decided to stop sleeping around.

If we could get the entire country to abstain from sex outside of marriage, that would be wonderful.

Of course that is not going to happen.

I just wish that we could get more people to understand that when we do things the right way we will be blessed, and when we do things the wrong way we will be cursed.

And as a nation we have definitely been under a curse in recent years.

So I am all in favor of this nationwide sex strike by liberal women.  May it last as long as possible.

Michael’s new book entitled “Why” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com, and you can subscribe to his Substack newsletter at michaeltsnyder.substack.com.

https://uncanceled.news/liberal-women-all-over-america-are-going-on-a-nationwide-sex-strike-to-punish-men-for-voting-for-trump/feed/ 0 225354
17 Nuclear Responses to Moronic Misogynist Mark Cuban’s Attack on Trump-Supporting Women https://uncanceled.news/17-nuclear-responses-to-moronic-misogynist-mark-cubans-attack-on-trump-supporting-women/ https://uncanceled.news/17-nuclear-responses-to-moronic-misogynist-mark-cubans-attack-on-trump-supporting-women/#respond Thu, 31 Oct 2024 23:50:16 +0000 https://uncanceled.news/17-nuclear-responses-to-moronic-misogynist-mark-cubans-attack-on-trump-supporting-women/ Billionaire elitist Mark Cuban accomplished something amazing today. He lit a fire that appears to be having the most dramatic possible influence on an election that a private citizen could ever have.

He went on “The View” and said, “Donald Trump, you never see him around strong, intelligent women, ever.”

The response from a multitude of strong, intelligent Trump supporters on 𝕏 was nothing short of seismic. It’s doing nuclear damage to the Kamala Harris campaign, arguably more so than Joe Biden’s “garbage” comment. He is being called ignorant, misogynistic, and unintelligent. In some cases, he’s being called much worse.

It would be impractical to post all of the ones that are currently going viral on the platform but here’s a selection of the top 17:


















There are literally dozens more of these types of videos that I could post, and that just includes the ones going viral. What about the ones that are not getting as much attention? There might be thousands.

Congrats, Mark Cuban. You brought the thunder down on the Kamala Harris campaign. And to think, you did so in an effort to impress people who watch “The View.”

https://uncanceled.news/17-nuclear-responses-to-moronic-misogynist-mark-cubans-attack-on-trump-supporting-women/feed/ 0 224902
Women Deserve Better Than Hillary … or Kamala https://uncanceled.news/women-deserve-better-than-hillary-or-kamala/ https://uncanceled.news/women-deserve-better-than-hillary-or-kamala/#respond Tue, 29 Oct 2024 10:40:21 +0000 https://uncanceled.news/women-deserve-better-than-hillary-or-kamala/ Kama-lama-ding-dong’s got the blues.  This was supposed to be her time.  This was supposed to be her rise.  She was supposed to make her-story.  Instead, Kam-Kam’s on her way to an Election Night drubbing, a week-long bender, and a few months of solitude in celebrity rehab.  She should take Hillary Clinton along, too.  A period of detox and sobriety could do both some good.  And the American people would benefit from their prolonged absence from television news.

America will one day have a female president.  She will be smart, articulate, prudent, and brave.  She will treat her campaign for office as a chance to prove to the American people that she has their best interest at heart.  She will be thoughtfully prepared to answer any and all questions.  Nobody will say it’s “her turn” or pretend she is more talented than she really is.  Nobody will hold her to a lower or higher standard because of her sex.  She will rise to the top because she earns it.  Americans will listen to her speeches, watch how she conducts her personal life, and conclude that she is the right leader for the time.  And when she is elected, no one will mumble, “She won only because she’s a woman.”  She will win on her own merits.

The Democrats have done women no favors by pushing the candidacies of Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris.  Neither has the necessary disposition for holding the highest office in the land.  Both are rash and unwise.  They are selfish and unjust.  They are intemperate and vengeful.  They are self-conscious and uncertain.  They are unkind, impatient, and self-serving.  They exude no faith in God, inspire no hope in others, and display no courage.  They are weak in mind and soul and encourage such weakness in others.  They are unfit to lead.  They are not remarkable women.

That Democrat party elites have forced Hillary and Kamala on the American people shows how little they actually think of women.  Hillary is an inveterate liar and shameless shrew whose chief accomplishment in life has been to obtain enough dirt on Washington insiders to stay out of prison.  She won a seat in the U.S. Senate because New Yorkers pitied her when it became clear that her president husband is a lecherous creep incapable of moderating his own depravities.  Giving Hillary a prestigious government job after Bill’s Oval Office debauchery with an intern barely old enough to drink legally was a Hallmark card kind of way for the American people to say, “Sorry your husband humiliated you while you were first lady.”  Had voters known that Hillary was already scheming for the top job and only pretending to be wounded by Slick Willy’s philandering, they would have been much less likely to overlook her own personal qualities.  And they certainly were not hoping that Hillary’s presidential ambitions would one day return both immoral Clintons back to the White House!

Yet that’s what the elitist Democrat party gave the American people.  You get Hillary!  She will break the glass ceiling and become the most powerful person in the country!  She will do what no woman has ever done before!  Because…well, she put up with Bill’s womanizing…and because Barack gave her the State Department gig as a consolation prize even after she outed him for being born in a foreign nation…and because…well, because it’s her turn, dammit!

Democrats expected Americans to forget that Hillary has always been an unlikable person with a notorious reputation for venality and vindictiveness.  They expected Americans to forget the scandal-plagued years of the Clinton White House, during which stories of Hillary throwing pieces of fine china at Bill Clinton’s head and screaming obscenities at Secret Service agents regularly leaked.  They expected Americans to forget Hillary’s involvement in the cover-up of the 9/11 Benghazi attack that left four Americans dead and which Hillary falsely blamed on a random internet video in order to preserve Obama’s 2012 election viability.  Democrats told Americans to ignore a lifetime of evidence that Hillary Clinton is a vile person and vote for her anyway…because she’s a woman.

Americans would have been better off if Bill and Hillary Clinton had been forced to serve time for selling state secrets to communist China.  Had they ever paid for their various crimes over the years, the Clintons’ hold over official Washington would have disappeared.  Hillary would never have been in a position to seek the presidency.  She and her accomplices would not have been able to commit fraud against the American people with the Russia collusion hoax.  The Democrats would not have spent the last twenty-five years pretending Hillary Clinton should be trusted with the reins of power.  Hillary would be in prison today instead of on television encouraging further acts of violence against President Trump.

Americans would also not be facing the peril of a Kamala Harris presidency.  The reason is simple: by excusing Hillary’s immoral and unethical character, Democrats convinced themselves that her failed presidential campaigns could be attributed to her immense political baggage.  Because she has been a divisive national figure since the ’90s, her supporters blamed “deplorables” for not giving poor, sweet Hillary a chance.  Stuck in that misguided mindset, political operatives came up with an even more misguided solution: to put a woman in the White House, they needed a blank-slate candidate whose public utterances are inscrutable and whose political convictions are always shifting.  Voilà — the vaunted rise of Kamala Harris!

Kamala is that rare breed of public speaker who says less and less the longer she talks.  Once a listener perceives a cogent thought forming from the stream of words exiting her mouth, she takes a linguistic hard left and drives straight over a cliff of utter nonsense.  Trying to make sense of her gibberish is like following Alice down a rabbit hole while tripping on psychedelics and translating Arabic manuscripts into ancient Greek.

Joe Biden’s cognitive decline causes him to ramble incoherently before shouting meaningless words with great enthusiasm.  The Pravda press’s inability to continue hiding his debilitating condition is why the Democrat party chucked him from the top of the ticket without even consulting primary voters.  Kamala Harris speaks just as incoherently as Dementia Joe, and the same state media are doing everything they can to hand her the presidency.  Perhaps if Joe had swapped his tie for a string of pearls and transitioned to “Joan” Biden this last year, the Deep State would have allowed him to finish his run for re-election.

Democrats seem to believe that a woman can ascend to the presidency only if she is as conniving and ruthless as Hillary Clinton or as fatuous and ditzy as Kamala Harris.  They see no value in supporting women with proven intelligence, virtue, courage, and authenticity.  Those attributes are apparently attractive only in male politicians.  Talk about the “soft bigotry of low expectations.”

What else would one expect, though, from a political party that holds women in such low regard?  Democrats encourage men to dominate women’s sports.  They push men into women’s locker rooms, domestic violence shelters, and prison cells.  They promote men who dress up as women in the workplace and let men take credit for “female first” accomplishments.  They tell real women that the best thing they can do for the planet is avoid having babies.  For a party that talks feverishly about destroying the “patriarchy,” Democrats sure do seem committed to making sure that a man in high heels shatters the “glass ceiling.”

What the Democrat party peddles as “female empowerment” should offend all women of integrity.  Women deserved much better than Hillary.  They should expect much more than what Kamala has to offer, too.

https://uncanceled.news/women-deserve-better-than-hillary-or-kamala/feed/ 0 224711
“That’s the Entire Room”: Harris Faulkner Stunned at How Many Women Are Worried About One Particular Issue https://uncanceled.news/thats-the-entire-room-harris-faulkner-stunned-at-how-many-women-are-worried-about-one-particular-issue/ https://uncanceled.news/thats-the-entire-room-harris-faulkner-stunned-at-how-many-women-are-worried-about-one-particular-issue/#respond Fri, 18 Oct 2024 03:51:18 +0000 https://uncanceled.news/thats-the-entire-room-harris-faulkner-stunned-at-how-many-women-are-worried-about-one-particular-issue/ https://truthbasedmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/DCNF.jpg

(DCNF)—Fox News host Harris Faulkner expressed surprise during a town hall with former President Donald Trump at how many women in the audience were worried about biological men playing women’s sports.

Faulkner hosted a town hall with an all-female audience, which aired Wednesday on “The Faulkner Focus.” She noted that “transgender issues” had become a major part of the campaign cycle before asking the audience how many worried about how it pertains to athletics.

“How many of you are worried about biological men and boys competing against women and girls in sports?” Faulkner asked the audience. “That’s almost – that is the entire room.”


A different shot showed virtually every woman in the audience within the camera’s field of view raising their hands.

“We stop it. We stop it. We absolutely stop it. You can’t have it. It’s a man playing in the game,” Trump said after being asked a question on the topic by a woman whose granddaughters are involved in sports. “I mean, physically from a muscular standpoint. Even if it was a little bit less, maybe they do all sorts of tests and drugs and everything else. Look at what’s happened in swimming. Look at the records that are being broken.”

“You just ban it, the president bans it. You just don’t let it happen,” Trump said after Faulkner asked how he would address the issue.

Multiple college teams elected to forfeit matches against San Jose State University’s women’s volleyball team due to the presence of a biological male on the roster, according to the Los Angeles Times. The transgender player spiked a ball into the face of a San Diego State University player during an Oct. 10 match, the New York Post reported.

North Carolina high school volleyball player Payton McNabb suffered a concussion after a transgender player’s spike hit her in the face during a September 2022 volleyball match. She described ongoing medical symptoms in a legislative testimony given in April 2023.

All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact [email protected].
https://uncanceled.news/thats-the-entire-room-harris-faulkner-stunned-at-how-many-women-are-worried-about-one-particular-issue/feed/ 0 223971
Doug Emhoff Doesn’t Deny the Accusations That He Hit a Woman or Got a Former Nanny Pregnant https://uncanceled.news/doug-emhoff-doesnt-deny-the-accusations-that-he-hit-a-woman-or-got-a-former-nanny-pregnant/ https://uncanceled.news/doug-emhoff-doesnt-deny-the-accusations-that-he-hit-a-woman-or-got-a-former-nanny-pregnant/#respond Sat, 12 Oct 2024 05:19:51 +0000 https://uncanceled.news/doug-emhoff-doesnt-deny-the-accusations-that-he-hit-a-woman-or-got-a-former-nanny-pregnant/ (WND News Center)—Doug Emhoff, according to investigative reports from the Daily Mail, got a family nanny pregnant, later slapped a girlfriend in the face, and was a “misogynist” when he worked at California law firms.

He was asked about the claims during an interview.

And he did not deny them.

It is the Daily Mail that now has updated its reporting on the man, who if Kamala Harris is elected, would be in the White House for four years.

It reported, “Doug Emhoff has dismissed bombshell stories that he slapped his ex-girlfriend and had an affair during his first marriage as a ‘distraction,’ but didn’t deny them. … Emhoff was asked by MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough on Friday whether the allegations about his personal life ‘p—–‘ him off. The Morning Joe host didn’t question him over the details or ask whether DailyMail.com reports about his past were true. Scarborough even reduced them to being ‘tabloid’ stories being pushed by Donald Trump and Republican critics. But Emhoff avoided the chance to slap them down and instead brushed them off while he insisting he was focused on his wife’s presidential campaign.”

The results of the Daily Mail’s investigations already have been reported.

Those include that he “forcefully slapped” a former girlfriend allegedly for “flirting” with another man.

That report came from three “friends” who confirmed that Emhoff “assaulted his ex-girlfriend.”

“The Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff, 59, allegedly struck the woman in the face so hard she spun around, while waiting in a valet line late at night after a May 2012 Cannes Film Festival event in France,” the report said. “One of her friends told DailyMail.com that the woman called him immediately after the incident, sobbing in her cab, and described the alleged assault.”

Earlier, it was reported that “Emhoff’s first marriage ended when he got his children’s nanny pregnant. The woman, Najen Naylor, 47, did not deny the story when approached by DailyMail.com at her home in the New York millionaires’ playground, The Hamptons,” the Daily Mail documented.

At that time, Emhoff said there had been “tough times” in his first marriage, because of “my actions.”

Finally, the newest report on Emhoff comes from interviews with former coworkers at California law firms where he worked.

He was considered “inappropriate” and “misogynistic” at the office, there were claims he hired an “unqualified” part-time model as legal secretary “because she was young … attractive,” and that he withdrew work benefits from women who didn’t flirt with him.

The Daily Mail also uncovered opinions that he was a foul-mouthed employee.

Content created by the WND News Center is available for re-publication without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact [email protected].

This article was originally published by the WND News Center.

https://uncanceled.news/doug-emhoff-doesnt-deny-the-accusations-that-he-hit-a-woman-or-got-a-former-nanny-pregnant/feed/ 0 223651