Disease – Uncanceled News https://uncanceled.news News that isn't afraid of being truthful. Wed, 19 Feb 2025 12:50:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://uncanceled.news/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/cropped-U-32x32.png Disease – Uncanceled News https://uncanceled.news 32 32 189684256 For 50 Years Regulators Ignored Report Linking Wireless Radiation to 23 Chronic Diseases https://uncanceled.news/for-50-years-regulators-ignored-report-linking-wireless-radiation-to-23-chronic-diseases/ https://uncanceled.news/for-50-years-regulators-ignored-report-linking-wireless-radiation-to-23-chronic-diseases/#respond Wed, 19 Feb 2025 12:50:20 +0000 https://uncanceled.news/for-50-years-regulators-ignored-report-linking-wireless-radiation-to-23-chronic-diseases/ The U.S. government has known for over 50 years that wireless radiation is linked to 23 chronic diseases but has failed to protect the public from chronic wireless radiation exposure, according to the authors of a new report.

Richard Lear and Camilla Rees posted their report on Feb. 6 as a preprint on ResearchGate. Lear and Rees are business executives and long-time health and environmental researchers.

The report, which Rees called a “discussion and commentary” on published science related to wireless radiation’s biological impacts, is geared toward an everyday audience. It is not intended for publication in a peer-reviewed academic journal.

Lear and Rees posted the report on ResearchGate to make it accessible to the public.

On Feb. 14, Rees shared the paper with attendees of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine’s annual conference in San Antonio, Texas, according to a press release.

Miriam Eckenfels, director of Children’s Health Defense’s (CHD) Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) & Wireless called the report an “easy-to-understand distillation of pertinent scientific findings that gives the public a sense of how regulatory agencies ignored earlier science and why agencies need to take protective action now.”

In the report, Lear and Rees discuss how the U.S. Naval Medical Research Institute in 1971 issued a report that reviewed 2,311 scientific studies on the biological and health effects of electromagnetic radiation (EMR).

Most of the studies examined by the Navy involved low-intensity EMR signals in the 1 to 4 gigahertz (GHz) range, said Lear and Rees. “These types of wireless exposures are virtually identical with those from modern devices and wireless sources such as cell phones, WiFi, Bluetooth, smart meters, GPS, wearables, and wireless infrastructure.”

The Navy’s review found 132 different biological effects, symptoms and diseases linked to wireless exposures.

According to Lear and Rees, 23 of those are among the fastest-growing chronic diseases and conditions in the U.S. today, including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder or ADHD, anxiety, asthma, autism, chronic fatigue, diabetes, leukemia, autoimmune disease and celiac disease.

In 2016, Lear examined the growth of chronic disease from 1990 to 2015 and the related economic costs of those diseases. His research found that 36 chronic diseases and conditions doubled from 1990 to 2015.

“Of the 36 chronic diseases and conditions that more than doubled (1990-2015), the U.S. Navy study warned us of the connection between wireless radiation and twenty-three of those chronic diseases, predicting what has indeed happened to the health of Americans,” the authors of the report wrote.

They added:

“By ignoring the earlier science, U.S. regulators failed to protect the American people from the dangers of wireless technologies. In doing so, they imposed millions of unnecessary chronic exposure conditions on the American public.”

Rees told The Defender she hopes U.S. regulators finally take action. “Pressure is needed from all directions to encourage federal regulatory agencies to do their jobs, and to hold these agencies accountable.”

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has not updated its exposure limits for wireless radiation since 1996.

In 2021, CHD and other groups won a lawsuit challenging the FCC’s exposure limits.

The groups filed 11,000 pages of evidence of harm from 5G and wireless technology, which they alleged the FCC ignored when it decided to keep its 1996 guidelines. The pages included evidence of widespread sickness due to wireless radiation exposure.

The FCC has yet to comply with a court-ordered mandate to explain how the agency determined that its current guidelines adequately protect humans and the environment against the harmful effects of exposure to wireless radiation.

Lear and Rees plan to send hard copies of their report to all U.S. Congress members and at least 1,000 U.S. business leaders.

“We want this information to get to people who are courageous enough to make a difference, including government leaders, business leaders, religious leaders and media,” Rees said.

Business leaders need to understand the connection between wireless exposures and their employees’ mood, health and therefore productivity, she said.

Rees is a senior policy adviser for the National Institute for Science, Law and Public Policy and founder of Manhattan Neighbors for Safer Telecommunications.

According to the report:

“By 2015, the 23 diseases the U.S. Navy predicted may have added more than $2 trillion in annual health care costs to the U.S. economy due to their negligence.”

The authors acknowledged that other factors have likely contributed to the current U.S. chronic disease crisis, such as sugar consumption, glyphosate and other pesticide exposures.

‘We’ve been misled about the benefits of wireless’

In the report, Lear and Rees also cite other scientific reports that have shown a link between wireless radiation and negative health impacts, including the BioInitiative 2012 Report.

The BioInitiative Report, updated in 2017, cites more than 2,200 scientific studies that link low-level EMR exposure to dozens of diseases and biological effects, including neurological effects, brain cancer, fetal effects, blood-brain barrier damage, DNA damage, breast cancer, biochemical imbalances, leukemia, decreased fertility and oxidative stress.

The report also discusses studies that suggested a possible biological mechanism for explaining how wireless radiation is linked to chronic disease.

Rees said, “We have been misled about the relative benefits of wireless.”

Wired connections are far superior to wireless for numerous reasons, including connection speed, according to a 2018 National Institute for Science, Law and Public Policy report.

“It is faster, far more energy efficient, higher audio quality, more reliable, more resilient in weather events, more secure, and more enduring, meaning that it is not subject to the costs of planned obsolescence like wireless technologies,” Rees said.

She added:

“We need to start taking responsibility ourselves, and minimize our personal wireless exposure while supporting efforts, such as CHD’s new ‘704 No More’ initiative, to restore local control over cell towers and antennas.”

The 704 No More initiative is raising money to legally challenge Section 704 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 which prohibits local authorities from denying cell tower applications based on health and environmental effects.

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A Mystery “Flu-Like” Disease With a Very High Death Rate Is Suddenly Spreading Like Wildfire in Africa https://uncanceled.news/a-mystery-flu-like-disease-with-a-very-high-death-rate-is-suddenly-spreading-like-wildfire-in-africa/ https://uncanceled.news/a-mystery-flu-like-disease-with-a-very-high-death-rate-is-suddenly-spreading-like-wildfire-in-africa/#respond Thu, 05 Dec 2024 11:28:00 +0000 https://uncanceled.news/a-mystery-flu-like-disease-with-a-very-high-death-rate-is-suddenly-spreading-like-wildfire-in-africa/ Editor’s Note: Since 2020, I’ve grown more and more skeptical of anything that gets labeled as “the next potential global pandemic.” The reason is obvious. The WHO, the CDC, and their globalist cronies want nothing more than to increase their control by destroying our sovereignty and suppressing freedoms. This is why it’s so important to publish articles like the one below. My only warning is that as you read about these new diseases, remember that either they were manufactured by the powers-that-be for their agenda or the narrative is false and was also manufactured by the powers-that-be for their agenda. Here’s Michael Snyder…

(End of the American Dream)—A mysterious disease that produces “flu-like” symptoms and that is killing a very high percentage of those that it infects has suddenly appeared in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and scientists have no idea what it is.  So far, this mystery disease does not appear to be related to H5N1, monkeypox, Ebola, the Marburg virus or any of the other deadly bugs that are currently spreading around the globe. Perhaps after more testing is done, scientists will discover that there is a very simple explanation after all.  And let us hope that this new outbreak turns out to be fairly insignificant in the grand scheme of things.  But in Matthew 24, Jesus did warn us that there would be multiple “pestilences” in the days just before His return.  So when a new disease suddenly appears and starts killing lots of people, it is worth keeping an eye on.

The epicenter for this outbreak is right along the Democratic Republic of Congo’s border with Angola, and we are being told that dozens of victims are already dead…

AN UNKNOWN “flu-like” disease targeting women and children has killed 143 within two weeks.

Those infected in Congo have suffered from symptoms including high fever and severe headaches with the World Health Organisation launching an urgent probe.

Deaths are being recorded in Kwango province, situated in the Southwest of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and on its border with Angola.

If this mystery disease is “targeting women and children”, does that mean that adult men are not being affected? Hopefully we can get some clarification on that.

It is being reported that a total of 376 people have gotten sick so far, but it is not clear how they were able to determine that everyone has the same thing if they are not able to identify the disease…

The country’s health ministry also warned people to wash their hands regularly with soap and water and not to touch dead bodies.

A total of 376 people have been sickened in the outbreak, that has hit Kwango province in the southwest of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

It is very early in this outbreak, and so the numbers that we are being given are very fluid.

But if there really are 143 total dead out of 376 total victims, that is a very, very high death rate.

Many of the symptoms that victims are experiencing are exactly what you would expect if you caught the normal flu

Patients are mostly children over 15 years old, officials say, and are suffering from a flu-like illness with symptoms including a fever, headache, nasal discharge, cough, difficulty breathing and anemia — or a lack of healthy red blood cells.

I don’t see anything there that would set it apart from normal winter illnesses.

And that also makes it potentially extremely dangerous.

We shall see how this plays out.

For now, one local leader is warning that “the number of infected people is increasing” and that people are literally dropping dead in their own homes…

Civil society leader Cephorien Manzanza said that the situation on the ground is extremely worrying as the number of infected people is increasing. “Panzi is a rural health zone, so there is a problem with the supply of medicines,” Manzanza said.

Due to a lack of medical facilities and a dilapidated health infrastructure, infected people are forced to die in their homes.

A local epidemiologist said women and children were the most seriously affected by the disease.

This sounds very serious.

But let’s not jump to any conclusions quite yet.

Tests are being conducted on this new disease, and authorities are promising to release results as soon as they can

The Ministry added in its update: ‘Laboratory test results will be communicated as soon as they are available, and regular updates will be shared with the population and partners.

‘Pending the conclusions of the ongoing investigations, the Ministry calls on the population to remain calm, vigilant and to strictly respect the… preventive measures.’

Of course this new outbreak comes at a time when the Democratic Republic of Congo is already struggling to contain an unprecedented monkeypox outbreak

Meanwhile, the DRC is also contending with a major mpox outbreak, which was declared a public health emergency of international concern in August. In early November, the total number of suspected mpox cases across the continent of Africa topped 50,000, with the DRC bearing a high percentage of those cases.

Scientists are telling us that this new strain of the monkeypox spreads much more easily than the strain that caused so many problems around the globe in 2022, and it also has a much higher death rate.

So I am keeping a very close eye on that too.

Meanwhile, the Marburg virus has gotten loose in Rwanda

Marburg, also termed as the ‘Bleeding Eye’s virus due to one of its symptoms (bleeding of the eye), has killed 15 people in Rwanda and has left hundreds of them infected, reports The Mirror.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) identifies the disease to be severe, often resulting in fatal illness in humans. “The average MVD case fatality rate is around 50%. Case fatality rates have varied from 24% to 88% in past outbreaks,” the WHO says in a report which was updated in October 2024.

After what we went through earlier in this decade, I know that there are lots of people out there that don’t want to hear this sort of news.

But if we really are living in the end times, major pestilences will be a major theme.  Jesus specifically warned us about this in Matthew 24.  He didn’t give us this warning so that we would be afraid.  He gave us this warning so that we would not be afraid.

If you understand what is coming, you can get prepared for it.

Sadly, most of the population is not interested in such warnings, and so when the next great global health crisis reaches our shores they will be completely blind-sided by it.

Michael’s new book entitled “Why” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com, and you can subscribe to his Substack newsletter at michaeltsnyder.substack.com.

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