The hypocrisy from the Left is deafening. If ever there have been true election deniers, it is Congressmen on the Left already saying right now, before the 2024 election has even taken place, that they will not certify a Donald J. Trump win. Is this pre-election insurrection? Should they be put in prison in the DC gulags with the Jan. 6’ers now?
Many of these top-level government officials engage in the world’s biggest and worst conspiracy theory, called “climate change,” a Ponzi scheme where they brainwash Americans into believing their tax dollars are best spent fighting a fake war against a fake cause that pads the pockets of the richest politicians in the nation.
Anytime the insidious Democrats plan a coup, a scam, a crisis, a proxy war or ways to cheat an election, it begins with the fake news industrial complex gaslighting Americans to prepare their minds to commit to believing in and supporting the fraud. As of late, it’s not just gaslighting that’s taking place, it’s mass-lighting, as every fake news media outlet regurgitates the same exact script, over and over, until the brain-dead Democrat base of sheeple swallow enough chum to vote again for their own continued demise (by their own party).
Swing state storms and pre-election denialism now mass-lighting every Democrats’ dreams and nightmares at the same time
The magical hurricanes (swing state storms) Helene and Milton, that originated in strange places, took on impossible direction changes and gained strength over land (which never happens), mass-lighted the “climate change” narrative that has tens of millions of Americans believing if they buy electric cars and put corks in cow butts, they can save the planet and themselves from bursting into flames next year.
Back in 2015, celebrities, politicians, pundits and talk show hosts all claimed if Trump won, they were going to move out of the country, but none of them did. They were just mass-lighting the pre-insurrection and election denialism for the Left, like they’re doing again right now. […]
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