I have intimated this before, but it bears repeating after JD Vance’s epic takedown of European powers, about which Beege wrote an outstanding post earlier today.
Vance was, in swamp terms, not very diplomatic. In more colloquial terms he let them have it with both barrels, pissing off the Germans fiercely enough to earn a rebuke for the totalitarian leftists who run that failing country.
Vance, channeling many of my posts I am sure, had this to say:
JD Vance slams Europe for retreating from its own values, allowing Western Civilization to lose itself. pic.twitter.com/dQxF56RIS8
— Libby Emmons (@libbyemmons) February 14, 2025
That is exactly right, and I would go a bit further (and have). Europe in recent years has become a greater threat to the United States of America, or at least the rights of American citizens, than Russia is.
Short of initiating a nuclear war–which they would never do–Russia presents no military threat to our country. We could wipe out their conventional military power in a weekend. Russian influence in the United States is minuscule because, aside from oil, which we can do without, they have little that we want, and they are little more than a gas station with nuclear weapons. […]
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