It’s becoming increasingly popular in churches today to assert that God has replaced Israel with the church. Some believe that the Lord rejected Israel, while others see the church as somehow the spiritual fulfillment of the kingdom promises made to Israel.
This teaching is often referred to as “replacement theology.” I have many problems with such teaching, starting with the words of Paul in Romans 11:1-2, “Hath God cast away his people? God forbid… God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew.” I am not sure how some get around Paul’s clear assertion in this text that God has not replaced or rejected Israel.
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Besides the fact that this teaching contradicts Paul’s words in Romans 11, there is a more fundamental reason for discarding replacement theology: such teaching undermines the credibility of God.
No, I am not out of mind. Allow me to explain.
God Made Many Great Promises to Israel
Throughout the Old Testament, God made many promises to Israel based on the covenants He made with the Patriarchs. […]
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