Italian-born model Fabio said that his home country is suffering under the financial and societal weight of mass immigration.
“I can tell you a friend of mine is a federal judge in Italy, and he just retired because he told me, ‘Fabio, I mean, I cannot believe where our country is today,’” Fabio told host Bill Maher on the Club Random podcast. “And I said, ‘Why, what’s happening?’ He goes like ‘Number one, Italian citizen. They are fifth class citizens, not even second class. They’re fifth class citizen.’ ”
“Meaning?” asked Maher.
“Meaning then everything, the government supply everything to the immigrant. Everything’s for free for the immigrant. The pension plan is pretty much gone. You know, you have old people, 89 years old, they go and collect their pension plan. The government said, ‘Go home because we have no money.’ But in the meantime, they give free phone, free everything free [to the immigrant],” Fabio replied. […]
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