Although it does not appear to receive the same media attention as it used to, the Boycott Divestment Sanctions Movement is still very active in its opposition to Israel. Although the BDS Movement espouses principles of freedom, justice and equality, it demonstrates via its actions that they believe those principles should only apply to the Palestinian people and not to Israel.
The movement itself has been very careful in trying to position itself as a human rights group whose existence is supposedly about promoting the self-determination of the Palestinian people. However, its thinly veiled antisemitism has not fooled Israel’s supporters. In 2019, the German government stated that calls for the boycott of Israeli goods was compared with the Nazis’ call for the boycott of Jewish goods. In fact, for those who may legitimately become confused as to what constitutes antisemitism rather than criticism, Natan Sharansky suggests his unique “3-D test”. Under this test, criticism crosses over into antisemitism when Israel is demonised, delegitimised or held to a double-standard.
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There are many people throughout the world who, through their rabid antisemitism, claim that the world would be better off without the Jews. Some extremists may even go so far as to avoid anything in their life which has a Jewish connection. To give you an idea of the absurdity of this worldview, let me outline some of the everyday items which antisemites would have to do without if they were to erase Jewish invention from their lives.
People would have to give up writing with a ballpoint pen. Fountain pens used to be the predominant method of writing, but many writers struggled with fountain pens because they often leaked and smudged.
A Jewish journalist named Laszlo Biro sought to change that experience. He developed the original ballpoint pen, allowing the ink to flow smoothly without the mess. […]
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