Patty, * a mother to four children living with her mother, left her home state of Mississippi to seek an abortion. She ended up in North Carolina with very little money. That stop, and that situation, provided an encounter with not just one person but several others, all who made an impact on her and her pregnancy decision.
“Instead of getting the abortion, she accidentally ran into someone that was a part of the ministry of Love Life, and so accidentally ran into Jesus,” said Pastor Joseph Parker, board chair for Pregnancy Care and Hope Center, in Mississippi. “The lady that was part of the ministry of Love Life persuaded her to keep her baby and shared the Gospel with her, and she got saved.”
Love Life is a North Carolina-based pro-life organization dedicated to propelling churches and Christians to step more actively into the pro-life arena, near abortion centers and conducting sidewalk outreach to women entering those abortion facilities.
Although Patty changed her mind about the abortion, she still needed to return home to Mississippi. That’s when Pastor Parker became involved. Patty resided in the area where Pregnancy Care and Hope Center is based, a region known as the Mississippi Delta.
“She didn’t have enough gas to get back, but someone with the [North Carolina] ministry contacted an individual [in Mississippi] who contacted us, and we were able to make contact with her,” Pastor Parker said. “The Lord worked out a way for us to get gas money to her to help her make it back home.” […]
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