“Anemic” is not a word that could be used to describe Jesus Christ or his work. The savior who died and is resurrected healed the sick, raised people from the dead, gave humans fresh purpose, perspective, and changed lives. The power of the Blood is real, and there is nothing lacking in it. As one of my favorite gospel artists, Andrae Crouch, sang, “The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power.”
“Anemic” is the perfect word for the 2025 Super Bowl commercial from He Gets Us. I wrote about their commercial for last year’s Super Bowl (which was supposedly “groundbreaking”), saying:
The Jesus that He Gets Us claims to represent is not the Jesus that Christians serve and worship. It is not the Lord and Savior of the world. The organization reduces Jesus to some anemic do-gooder (pun intended) who just wants us to be nice to everyone and offers bromides they base on the work of Jesus rather than work performed through his transformative power.
It seems that, despite coming under new ownership (the organization Come Near now runs the “He Gets Us” non-profit), the message continues in the same vein: a bloodless gospel and an anemic depiction of good works with a little Jesus sprinkled in.
This year’s He Gets Us ad is titled “What Is Greatness?” […]
— Read More: redstate.com