Comments on: 14 Shocking Facts About the Student Loan Debt Bubble and the Great College Education Scam News that isn't afraid of being truthful. Fri, 14 Feb 2025 21:41:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mike Jacobs Fri, 14 Feb 2025 21:41:48 +0000 The only way to fix higher education is to make them responsible for student loan debt. That will all but eliminate the bloated costs that come from the massive expansion of administrators and number of students. It will also eliminate all of the worthless degrees like women’s studies, English literature, creative writing, dance, DIE etc.

If they are responsible for producing productive graduates who can repay their student loan debt, degree programs will be orientated towards actual good paying careers and students will receive actual education from within those career fields.

Now is the time to do it, most colleges and universities have massive endowments. They’re also reaping massive profits from NCAA sports broadcasting deals, Big Pharma and foreign governments. They can start guaranteeing loans made between banks and students.
